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Study Review on Setting Time of Cement-based Materials Tested by Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Method
Ultrasonic wave; Transmission; Compressional wave; Cement-based material; Setting time; Air content
杨 辉1,2,俞海勇3,李 辉1
1.上海建科检验有限公司,201108;2.上海市建筑科学研究院,上海市工程结构安全 重点实验室,200032;3.上海市建筑科学研究院(集团)有限公司,200032

杨 辉1,2,俞海勇3,李 辉1


YANG H,YU H Y,LI H.Study Review on Setting Time of Cement-based Materials Tested by Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2018(7):75-78.

摘 要:水泥基材料加水搅拌后,随着水化反应的进行,其状态从可塑性流体逐渐转变为具有一定强度的硬化固体,此过程可采用超声波透射法进行连续、无损监测。通过分析获得的超声波信号如波速、振幅等,可解读出反映水泥基材料的水化进程信息。本文从试验装置、测试原理、主要影响因素及凝结时间判断方法等四个方面介绍了超声波透射法在测定水泥基材料凝结时间上的研究进展,讨论了浆体含气量对超声波波速的影响,并分析了现有凝结时间判断方法的优缺点。 Abstract: After the cement-based material is stirred with water, the state of the cement-based material gradually changes from the plastic fluid to a hardened solid with a certain intensity as the hydration reaction progresses. The process can be continuously and non-destructively monitored by the ultrasonic transmission method. By analyzing the obtained ultrasonic signals such as wave velocity, amplitude, etc., the hydration process information reflecting the cement-based material can be interpreted. The research progress of the ultrasonic transmission method in determining the setting time of cement-based materials is introduced in detail from the aspects of the testing device, testing principle, main influencing factors and judging methods. The influence of the air content of slurry on the ultrasonic wave velocity is emphatically discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods for determining the setting time are analyzed.
英文名 : Study Review on Setting Time of Cement-based Materials Tested by Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Method
刊期 : 2018年第7期
关键词 : 超声波;透射;压缩波;水泥基材料;凝结时间;含气量
Key words : Ultrasonic wave; Transmission; Compressional wave; Cement-based material; Setting time; Air content
刊期 : 2018年第7期
文章编号 : 1000-4637(2018)07-75-04
基金项目 : 上海市工程结构安全重点实验室开放课题(2016-KF04)资助
作者 : 杨 辉1,2,俞海勇3,李 辉1
单位 : 1.上海建科检验有限公司,201108;2.上海市建筑科学研究院,上海市工程结构安全 重点实验室,200032;3.上海市建筑科学研究院(集团)有限公司,200032

杨 辉1,2,俞海勇3,李 辉1


YANG H,YU H Y,LI H.Study Review on Setting Time of Cement-based Materials Tested by Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2018(7):75-78.


摘   要:水泥基材料加水搅拌后,随着水化反应的进行,其状态从可塑性流体逐渐转变为具有一定强度的硬化固体,此过程可采用超声波透射法进行连续、无损监测。通过分析获得的超声波信号如波速、振幅等,可解读出反映水泥基材料的水化进程信息。本文从试验装置、测试原理、主要影响因素及凝结时间判断方法等四个方面介绍了超声波透射法在测定水泥基材料凝结时间上的研究进展,讨论了浆体含气量对超声波波速的影响,并分析了现有凝结时间判断方法的优缺点。

Abstract: After the cement-based material is stirred with water, the state of the cement-based material gradually changes from the plastic fluid to a hardened solid with a certain intensity as the hydration reaction progresses. The process can be continuously and non-destructively monitored by the ultrasonic transmission method. By analyzing the obtained ultrasonic signals such as wave velocity, amplitude, etc., the hydration process information reflecting the cement-based material can be interpreted. The research progress of the ultrasonic transmission method in determining the setting time of cement-based materials is introduced in detail from the aspects of the testing device, testing principle, main influencing factors and judging methods. The influence of the air content of slurry on the ultrasonic wave velocity is emphatically discussed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods for determining the setting time are analyzed.



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YANG H,YU H Y,LI H.Study Review on Setting Time of Cement-based Materials Tested by Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2018(7):75-78.





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