- 吕浩阳,王喜彬,王爱勤
摘 要:在对白银市东大沟Pb、Zn、Cd复合污染土壤基本理化性质分析的基础上,进行了制备免烧砖的初步研究,探讨了不同水泥用量对免烧砖抗压强度和浸出毒性的影响,分析了砖体在不同pH值环境下的安全性,并对固化前后污染土中重金属形态进行了对比分析。结果表明,水泥对Pb、Zn、Cd具有良好的固化效果。随着水泥添加量的提高,砖体抗压强度呈上升趋势。与原土相比,砖体中重金属在不同pH值溶液浸提下,浸出趋势不变,浸出浓度显著下降,重金属酸可提取态部分所占比例显著下降,残渣态上升。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the basic physical and chemical properties of Pb, Zn, Cd contaminated soils of Dongdagou in Baiyin, the preparing of non-burned brick was studied. The effect of cement addition on compressive strength and leaching toxicity was discussed. The stability under different pH was analyzed and the distribution of heavy metals in soil before and after solidification was compared. The results showed that the cement has good curing effect on Pb, Zn and Cd. The compressive strength of brick improves as the increasing of cement. Compared with raw contaminated soils, the heavy metal leaching trend in brick in different pH leaching liquor does not change, but the leaching concentration decreases. The acid extractable of heavy metal in brick decreases, residual form increases.
LYU H Y, WANG X B, WANG A Q.Preparation and Research on Non-burned Brick Used by Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(4):91-94.