- 赵更歧,杜慧莹,鲁 渊
摘 要:以花岗岩石粉完全取代粉煤灰作为生产加气混凝土砌块的硅质材料,选出石灰用量、铝粉用量和水泥用量3种主要因素,通过对比试验,研究了各因素对加气块抗压强度和干密度的影响,获得了最优配合比,并以此配合比制备了加气混凝土砌块,确定了砌块的强度等级和干密度等级,并对其进行了抗冻性试验,结果表明,其耐久性符合规范规定。
Abstract: Using the granite powder, totally instead of the fly ash, as the siliceous material in aerated concrete block production, and choosing three main factors, including the dosage of lime, the dosage of aluminum powder and the dosage of cement, through contrast experiment, the effect of the three factors on the aerated block’s compressive strength and dry density was studied to obtain the optimum mixture ratio. The intensity level and the dry density level of the block were determined, the frost resistance experiment on the block was carried out, the result showed that its durability conformed to the stipulations of the specification.
ZHAO G Q,DU H Y,LU Y.Experimental Research on Aerated Concrete Block with Granite Ore Waste[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(1):88-90.