- 白梅力1,张凯峰2,赵建敏2,高 魁3
摘 要:利用工业副产品石膏与煤矸石复合制备石膏基绿色胶凝材料,检测了复合胶凝材料的物理力学性能,并借助XRD、SEM等测试手段分析了试件微观性能。结果表明,煤矸石的掺加对复合胶凝材料具有重要影响,综合考虑各项因素,认为掺加10%煤矸石粉能够制备出性能优良的复合胶凝材料。
Abstract: The gypsum based green cementing materials are prepared by using the industrial by-product gypsum and coal gangue. And the physical and mechanical properties of composite gelled material are tested, meanwhile, the microscopic properties of specimens are characterized using XRD and SEM. The results show that coal gangue has an important effect on the properties of composite gelled material. Comprehensively considering of various factors, it’s found that high performance composite gelled material can be prepared by adding 10% gangue powder.