- 朱盛胜1,翟宝宏2,梁 敏3
摘 要:研究了疏浚泥对混凝土坍落度和力学性能的影响,并对掺疏浚泥混凝土的耐久性能进行了分析。结果表明,疏浚泥的掺入能有效降低混凝土坍落度;水胶比不变时,掺疏浚泥混凝土早期强度与基准混凝土一致,后期强度略有提高,且疏浚泥掺量在30%时,混凝土收缩增加,抗水渗透和抗氯离子渗透性能均有提高。
Abstract: The influence of dry dredged mud on the slump and mechanical properties of concrete is studied, and the durability of concrete with the dredged mud is analyzed. The results show that adding the dry dredged mud can reduce concrete slump; the early strength of concrete with dredged mud is almost consistent with that of the normal concrete, and the later strength of the concrete improve slightly when having the same water-cement ratio. In addition, the shrinkage of concrete increases and the performances of the resistance to water penetration and chloride ion penetration improve when the content of dredged mud is 30%.