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Improvement of Fly Ash on Cracking Property of Cement-Ground Limestone Cementitious Material
Cement-ground limestone cementitious material; Fly ash; Drying shrinkage property; Cracking property
肖 佳1,郭明磊1,许彩云2,孟庆业1
1.中南大学土木工程学院,长沙 410075;2.长江水利委员会长江科学院,武汉 241009

肖 佳1,郭明磊1,许彩云2,孟庆业1

摘 要:研究了水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料干缩和开裂性能以及粉煤灰对其干缩和开裂性能的改善作用。研究得到水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料的干缩随石灰石粉掺量增加出现先增大后减小的规律,石灰石粉掺量为10%时,硬化浆体的干缩达到最大值。随粉煤灰掺量增加,水泥-石灰石粉硬化浆体的干缩随之减少。随石灰石粉掺量增加,水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料的开裂呈现先增大后减小的规律,掺量为10%时的开裂最大;随粉煤灰掺量增加,粉煤灰对水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料开裂性能的改善逐渐增强。水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料的开裂性能与其干缩性能有着较大的相关性,干缩减少,其开裂指数逐渐降低,抗开裂性能提高。 Abstract: The drying shrinkage and cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material and the improvement of fly ash on the drying shrinkage and cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material are studied. The results show that the drying shrinkage of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material increases at first and decreases later with the ground limestone content increasing, which reaches the maximum when ground limestone content is 10%. The drying shrinkage of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material decreases with the fly ash content increasing. The cracking of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material increases at first and decreases later with the ground limestone content increasing, which reaches the biggest cracking at the ground limestone content of 10%. The increase of the fly ash content boosts the improvement of the fly ash on the cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material. The drying shrinkage and cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material have a lot of correlation, the decrease of drying shrinkage corresponds to the reduction of the cracking index and the improvement of anti-cracking property.
英文名 : Improvement of Fly Ash on Cracking Property of Cement-Ground Limestone Cementitious Material
刊期 : 2013年第10期
关键词 : 水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料;粉煤灰;干缩性能;开裂性能
Key words : Cement-ground limestone cementitious material; Fly ash; Drying shrinkage property; Cracking property
刊期 : 2013年第10期
文章编号 : 1000-4637(2013)10-19-06
基金项目 : 国家自然科学基金(51278497)
作者 : 肖 佳1,郭明磊1,许彩云2,孟庆业1
单位 : 1.中南大学土木工程学院,长沙 410075;2.长江水利委员会长江科学院,武汉 241009

肖 佳1,郭明磊1,许彩云2,孟庆业1


摘   要:研究了水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料干缩和开裂性能以及粉煤灰对其干缩和开裂性能的改善作用。研究得到水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料的干缩随石灰石粉掺量增加出现先增大后减小的规律,石灰石粉掺量为10%时,硬化浆体的干缩达到最大值。随粉煤灰掺量增加,水泥-石灰石粉硬化浆体的干缩随之减少。随石灰石粉掺量增加,水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料的开裂呈现先增大后减小的规律,掺量为10%时的开裂最大;随粉煤灰掺量增加,粉煤灰对水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料开裂性能的改善逐渐增强。水泥-石灰石粉胶凝材料的开裂性能与其干缩性能有着较大的相关性,干缩减少,其开裂指数逐渐降低,抗开裂性能提高。

Abstract: The drying shrinkage and cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material and the improvement of fly ash on the drying shrinkage and cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material are studied. The results show that the drying shrinkage of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material increases at first and decreases later with the ground limestone content increasing, which reaches the maximum when ground limestone content is 10%. The drying shrinkage of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material decreases with the fly ash content increasing. The cracking of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material increases at first and decreases later with the ground limestone content increasing, which reaches the biggest cracking at the ground limestone content of 10%. The increase of the fly ash content boosts the improvement of the fly ash on the cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material. The drying shrinkage and cracking property of the cement-ground limestone cementitious material have a lot of correlation, the decrease of drying shrinkage corresponds to the reduction of the cracking index and the improvement of anti-cracking property.

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