袁 娇,刘小艳,陈玉泉,马文莉,李田雨,江 波,揭汉铎
YUAN J,LIU X Y,CHEN Y Q,et al.Study on Temperature and Humidity Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotube/Cement Composite(CNT/CC)[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(4):5-8.
袁 娇,刘小艳,陈玉泉,马文莉,李田雨,江 波,揭汉铎
YUAN J,LIU X Y,CHEN Y Q,et al.Study on Temperature and Humidity Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotube/Cement Composite(CNT/CC)[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(4):5-8.
摘 要:将碳纳米管(CNTs)作为导电填料制备了碳纳米管水泥基复合材料(CNT/CC),分别研究了CNT/CC在不同温度、湿度下的电阻率变化规律,探讨其作为本征型温、湿度传感器的可行性。结果表明,试件在25~55 ℃区间内具有较好的温敏性,CNTs掺量为0.5%的CNT/CC试件单位温度内电阻率变化率在1.5%以上,且在升温和降温条件下,电阻率变化率随温度线性变化的相关系数分别为-0.950和-0.984;试件内部含水率在0.6%~6.0%时的湿敏性能最佳,且CNTs掺量为0.5%的试件电阻率变化率最大,达到91.2%。
Abstract: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were used as conductive fillers to fabricate carbon nanotube/cement composite (CNT/CC). By studying the change rate of resistivity under different temperature and humidity, whether CNT/CC could be able to make an intrinsic temperature and humidity sensor was discussed. The results show that specimens have good temperature sensitivity between 25 ℃ and 55 ℃, the change rate of resistivity comes up to 1.5%/℃. When CNT/CC containing 0.5% CNTs is heated up and cooled down, the linear coefficient is -0.950 and -0.984 respectively. Specimens have the best humidity sensitivity when water content is between 0.6% and 6.0%. While adding 0.5% CNTs, the change rate of resistivity is 91.2%, which reaches the maximum value.
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