张 丹1,张乃源2,李永明1,宋雨航3,李宜航1
ZHANG D,ZHANG N Y,LI Y M,et al.Construction Technology of Highway Fabricated Concrete Box Culverts[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(4):37-40,85.
张 丹1,张乃源2,李永明1,宋雨航3,李宜航1
ZHANG D,ZHANG N Y,LI Y M,et al.Construction Technology of Highway Fabricated Concrete Box Culverts[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(4):37-40,85.
摘 要:依托实际工程项目,介绍了公路预制装配式混凝土箱涵结构特点,并阐述了其拼装工艺流程、接缝防水处理、底板洞口浇筑等关键工序操作要点。最后,与传统现浇混凝土箱涵在质量、进度、效益方面进行了对比,可为装配式混凝土箱涵的推广应用提供参考。
Abstract: Based on the practical project, the structural characteristics of prefabricated concrete box culvert are introduced, and the key operation points of its assembly process, joint waterproof treatment, bottom slab opening pouring are expounded. Finally, compared with the traditional cast-in-place box culvert in terms of quality, progress and benefit, it can provide a reference for the popularization and application of prefabricated concrete box culvert.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州