高 林1,2,郭凯旋1,肖 娴1,李格菲1
GAO L,GUO K X,XIAO X,et al.Comparative Study of Experiments on the Prefabricated Section Steel Concrete Shear Walls[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(4):59-61,67.
高 林1,2,郭凯旋1,肖 娴1,李格菲1
GAO L,GUO K X,XIAO X,et al.Comparative Study of Experiments on the Prefabricated Section Steel Concrete Shear Walls[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(4):59-61,67.
摘 要:采用对比试验研究方式,通过对同尺寸、同配筋的现浇式型钢混凝土剪力墙试件和预制装配式型钢混凝土剪力墙试件的低周往复加载试验,研究了预制装配式型钢混凝土剪力墙的承载能力、滞回性能、刚度退化等抗震性能,以及灌浆销栓式套筒连接节点对型钢混凝土剪力墙抗震性能的影响趋势。结果表明,预制装配式型钢混凝土剪力墙的承载能力、刚度、耗能性能均略低于现浇式型钢混凝土剪力墙,但基本能够满足结构承载和抗震要求;对连接节点的分析可知,除了销栓的抗剪能力外,加强销栓与套筒和型钢之间的紧固,可以更好的提升套筒的连接性能。
Abstract: By means of comparative experimental research, the low-cycle reciprocating loading tests on cast-in-place section steel concrete shear wall specimen and the prefabricated section steel concrete shear wall specimen of the same size and the same reinforcement were used to study the the seismic performance of prefabricated section steel concrete shear wall, such as such as load-bearing capacity, hysteretic performance, stiffness degradation and the influence trend of the grouting bolt sleeve connection to the prefabricated section steel concrete shear wall. The results show that the load-bearing capacity, stiffness and energy dissipation performance of prefabricated section steel concrete shear wall are slightly lower than those of cast-in-place section steel concrete shear wall, but it can basically meet the structural load-bearing and seismic requirements. The analysis of connection joints shows that besides the shear capacity of bolts, strengthening the fastening between the bolts, sleeve and section steel can enhance the connection performance of the sleeve.
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