- 姚 雷,李晓芝,鲁明星
摘 要:按普通混凝土配合比设计的方法配制强度等级为C30、C40、C50的混凝土,通过对天然细砂、人工粗砂、铁尾矿砂进行级配优化后,研究了不同掺量的铁尾矿砂对不同强度等级混凝土基本性质的影响。结果表明,掺入铁尾矿砂后混凝土拌合物的和易性下降,且掺量越大,混凝土坍落度及扩展度越小;用铁尾矿砂配制的C30、C40混凝土,其强度略高于普通混凝土,且随铁尾矿砂掺量增加而略有增加,但用铁尾矿砂配制的C50混凝土,其强度略低于普通混凝土。
Abstract: C30, C40 and C50 concrete were prepared by the method of proportion design of ordinary concrete. After the gradation optimization of natural fine sand, artificial coarse sand and iron tailings, the influence of iron tailings additive amount on the basic properties of various strength grade concrete was studied. The results show that the workability of mixing concrete with iron tailing sand decreases. The greater the amount of iron tailing sand in the concrete mix, the lower the measured values of slump and expansion. The strength of C30 and C40 concrete prepared with iron tailing sand are slightly higher than that of ordinary concrete respectively, and slightly increases with the increase of iron tailing sand content. But the strength of C50 concrete prepared with iron tailing is slightly lower than that of C50 ordinary concrete.
YAO L,LI X Z,LU M X.Effect of Iron Tailings Content on Performance of Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(10):97-100.