张泽平1,王尧鸿1,2,楚 奇1,马小彦1
ZHANG Z P,WANG Y H,CHU Q,et al.Experimental Study on Bond Behavior Between Aeolian Sand Concrete and Reinforcing Bars[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(6):17-21.
张泽平1,王尧鸿1,2,楚 奇1,马小彦1
ZHANG Z P,WANG Y H,CHU Q,et al.Experimental Study on Bond Behavior Between Aeolian Sand Concrete and Reinforcing Bars[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(6):17-21.
摘 要:为研究风积沙混凝土与钢筋之间的黏结性能,制作了28个试块进行中心拉拔试验,研究了风积沙掺量、钢筋形状、钢筋直径和龄期对黏结性能的影响规律,并基于试验结果拟合出风积沙混凝土与带肋钢筋之间的黏结强度-滑移本构关系曲线。研究结果表明,风积沙掺量小于30%时,极限黏结强度随着风积沙掺量、钢筋直径、龄期的提高而提高;风积沙掺量分别为10%、20%和30%时,带肋钢筋对应的极限黏结强度分别比光圆钢筋提高了61.2%、58.5%、56.1%。
Abstract: In order to study the bond behavior between aeolian sand concrete and steel bars, 28 aeolian sand concrete specimens were made for central pull-out tests. The effects of aeolian sand content, shape of steel bars, diameter of steel bars and curing age on the bond behavior between aeolian sand concrete and steel bars were studied. Besides, the bond strength-slip constitutive relationship curve between aeolian sand concrete and ribbed bars was fitted based on the test results. The results show that the ultimate bond strength increases with the increase of the aeolian sand content, diameter of steel bars and curing age when the aeolian sand content is less than 30%. When the aeolian sand content is 10%, 20% and 30%, the ultimate bond strength of ribbed bars is 61.2%, 58.5% and 56.1% higher than those of plain round bars respectively.
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