- 许 元
摘 要:通过试验,分析了超细粉煤灰对不同级配再生混凝土内部裂纹及孔隙的修复填充效应。结果表明,超细粉煤灰能够在一定程度上改善再生混凝土的和易性及强度,但其对不同级配的再生混凝土强度的影响是不尽相同的,在掺入超细粉煤灰后,再生混凝土平均强度可提高15%左右。
Abstract: Through the tests, the filling and repairing effects of ultra-fine fly ash on internal cracks and pores of recycled concrete under different gradations are researched. The results indicate that ultra-fine fly ash could improve the workability and strength of recycled concrete in a certain degree, however, the effects of ultra-fine fly ash on the recycled concrete with different gradations are different. Recycled concrete strength can increase by an average of about 15% after adding ultra-fine fly ash.