- 顾期斌1,徐二华2
摘 要:结合武汉融侨锦江项目工程,对磨细钢渣粉在大体积混凝土中的应用进行了研究,并通过试验对原材料和配合比参数进行了优化。试验表明,磨细钢渣粉掺量为取代水泥量的20%时,混凝土7d抗压强度平均值为24.8MPa,28d抗压强度平均值为48.2MPa,满足C40级混凝土设计规范的要求。
Abstract: Combining with Wuhan Rong Qiao Jin Jiang Project, the application of ground steel slag powder in mass concrete is researched, and the raw materials and mix proportion parameters are optimized through the tests. The test results show that when the dosage of ground steel slag powder is about 20% substituting the cement, the average 7d compressive strength of concrete is 24.8MPa, and the average 28d compressive strength is 48.2MPa, which can meet the requirements of C40 design specifications for concret