陈际洲1,赵铁军1,张 鹏1,管 廷2,王越虹3
Key words:Freeze-thaw damage; Air entraining concrete; Steel corrosion; Electrochemical method; Cover thickness
期刊:2020年1期 No.285 P16-20
作者:陈际洲1,赵铁军1,张 鹏1,管 廷2,王越虹3
单位:1.青岛理工大学 土木工程学院,266033;2.中建八局第二建设有限公司,济南 250014;3.青岛高新区投资开发集团有限公司,266000
CHEN J Z, ZHAO T J,ZHANG P,et al.The Study on Steel Corrosion in Air Entraining Concrete under the Coupling Effects of Freeze-thaw Damage[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(1):16-20.
Abstract: In order to study the steel corrosion in the reinforced concrete added with air entraining agent under freeze-thaw environment, and the influence of cover thickness on the steel corrosion, the ordinary reinforced concrete and air entraining concrete with different cover thickness were prepared, and the half cell potential and the linear polarization methods were used to evaluate the state of steel corrosion in different concrete specimens. The results show that the value of half cell potential and the linear polarization both increase with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, which demonstrates the resistance to steel corrosion decrease. The resistance to steel corrosion of air entraining concrete is higher than that of the ordinary concrete, and the resistance to steel corrosion also raises with the increase of cover thickness.
陈际洲1,赵铁军1,张 鹏1,管 廷2,王越虹3
Key words:Freeze-thaw damage; Air entraining concrete; Steel corrosion; Electrochemical method; Cover thickness
期刊:2020年1期 No.285 P16-20
作者:陈际洲1,赵铁军1,张 鹏1,管 廷2,王越虹3
单位:1.青岛理工大学 土木工程学院,266033;2.中建八局第二建设有限公司,济南 250014;3.青岛高新区投资开发集团有限公司,266000
CHEN J Z, ZHAO T J,ZHANG P,et al.The Study on Steel Corrosion in Air Entraining Concrete under the Coupling Effects of Freeze-thaw Damage[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(1):16-20.
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