- 孙 勇
摘 要:黏土砖再生粗骨料生态混凝土的制备工艺、结构以及性能与普通混凝土不同,黏土砖粗骨料由于破碎过程中产生裂隙较多,其强度比天然骨料低,强化后的骨料性能可满足制造生态混凝土的需要。本文研究了设计目标孔隙率、水胶比、骨料粒径等均会对黏土砖再生粗骨料混凝土的强度产生影响,结果表明,设计目标孔隙率影响最大,骨料粒径影响最小,在25%以上孔隙率要求下,优化混凝土配合比设计,可配制出强度大于5 MPa且具有较好施工性能的黏土砖再生粗骨料生态混凝土。
Abstract: The preparation process, structure and performance of clay brick recycled coarse aggregate ecological concrete are different from normal concrete. The strength of coarse aggregate of clay brick is lower than that of natural aggregate because there are many cracks during the process of crushing. The reinforced aggregate property can meet the needs of making ecological concrete. The effect of design target porosity, water-binder ratio and aggregate size on the strength of recycled coarse aggregate concrete of clay brick is studied. The results show that the design target has the greatest influence on the porosity and the aggregate particle size has the least effect. Under the requirement of more than 25% porosity, the concrete mix ratio design is optimized. The recycled coarse aggregate ecological concrete with strength greater than 5 MPa and good construction performance can be prepared.
SUN Y.Study on Preparation and Microscopic Properties of Clay Brick Recycled Coarse Aggregate Ecological Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(5):97-100.