摘 要:通过超前地质预报对黄毛山隧道Ⅳ级围岩地段DK152+000~DK152+050区段的工程地质和水文地质进行评估和预测,按照“以堵为主,限量排放”的原则,采用帷幕注浆进行堵水加固围岩以保证施工安全。通过现场试验确定了帷幕注浆技术参数,并通过在工作面钻注浆孔,再向孔内压注水泥(或水泥-水玻璃等)浆液,浆液将一定范围内围岩裂隙中的水挤出,保证围岩裂隙被具有一定强度的混合浆体充填密实,并与岩体固结成一体,形成了止水帷幕,为黄毛山隧道的安全生产、顺利贯通打下了坚实基础。
Abstract: With geological prediction for the grade Ⅳrock sections of Huang Mao Shan tunnel of engineering geology and hydro-geological assessment and prediction in DK152+000~DK152+050 paragraphs, in accordance with the "block-based, limited discharge" principle, the curtain grouting technology is used for water shut-off reinforced rock in order to ensure construction safety. The technical parameters of the curtain grouting are determined through on-site testing. And by grouting holes drilled through the face and pressure injection of cement (or cement~sodium silicate, etc.) slurry in the holes, the water in rock gap is extruded in a certain range by slurry to ensure rock gap filled with certain strength mixed slurry, and to consolidate with rock mass to form waterproof curtain, which layed a solid foundation for safe production and successful transfixion of Huang Mao Shan tunnel.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州