摘 要:研究了不同长度PVA纤维的掺入对高强度混凝土力学性能的影响。结果表明,PVA纤维在0.08%~0.1%的体积掺量范围内效果最佳,能有效提高抗折强度,且长径比越小,效果越明显。长度为6mm,掺量为0.08%~0.1%的PVA纤维混凝土,7d抗压强度比基准混凝土降低5.22%,抗折强度提高14.28%,静弹性模量提高6.63%;28d抗压强度降低3.03%,抗折强度提高21.67%,静弹性模量降低4.52%。
Abstract:The effects of different lengths of PVA fiber on mechanical property of high-strength concrete are studied. The results show that: the optimal dosage of PVA is 0.08% to 0.1%, which can effectively improve the flexural strength. And the smaller length-diameter ratio is, the more obviously effect has. With the PVA fiber dosage of 0.08% ~ 0.1% and fiber length of 6mm, compared with normal concrete, at 7d age, the compressive strength of PVA fiber reinforced concrete is reduced by 5.22%, flexural strength is increased by 14.28% and static elastic modulus is increased by 6.63%. And at 28d age, the compressive strength is reduced by 3.03%, flexural strength is increased by 21.67%, and static elastic modulus is reduced by 4.52%.
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