摘 要:回顾了世界膨胀水泥混凝土(包括自应力混凝土和收缩补偿混凝土)发展简史,认为膨胀混凝土技术是世界各国共同研究开发的一项好技术,在各国基础设施和房屋建筑中发挥了重要作用。然而该技术又是一项复杂技术,关键在于控制和正常发挥膨胀能,如若做不好则会出现问题。目前市场主流膨胀剂为钙矾石型,大多能降低膨胀混凝土的水化热和峰温,有利于克服温差裂缝。复掺膨胀剂和磨细粉煤灰将更有效地降低混凝土的内部温升;收缩补偿混凝土中所含钙矾石量不多,因此混凝土的耐热性要高于纯钙矾石的分解温度;钙矾石型补偿收缩混凝土中的SO3和Al2O3主要进入C-S-A-■-H凝胶,只有少量形成钙矾石晶体,该凝胶是补偿收缩混凝土膨胀的主要驱动力,由于它的组成和形态不定,没有特征的X射线衍射线,称它为“凝胶状钙矾石”不妥。作者还对膨胀混凝土的健康发展提出了几点建议。
Abstract: At first, the process of development of expansive cement concrete in the world, including self-stressing concrete and shrinkage-compensational concrete, was breifly reviewed. And it is considered that the technic of expansive concrete is an excellent achivement which having been researched and developed by all conntries of the world with cooperation and it has played very important rolses for fundamental construction and buildings in each countries. However, it is also a complex technic and the technical keys are to precisely control and normally develop the expansion energy, if the doing is not good, the troubles will take place. And then, some technical problems about expansive concrete were discussed. The first is on temperature risings within expansive concrete. When the expansion agents are of type of entringite, the hydation heat and the peak temperbture of concrete will be decreased in most states, that will be favourable to overcome the cracking duo to the temperature differential; The second is on resistance to high temperoture of exponsive concrete. Because the contents of entringite within the compensational concrete are not so much, the temperatwre of that the concrete can endure is higher than the decomposition temperature of entringite; The third is on the mechanism of expansion. The SO3 and Al2O3 within shrinkage-compensational concrete of entringite type will maily enter the C-S-A-■-H gel, and only a litter are combined to form the entringite crystal, so this gel is the important driving force for expansion of compensational concrete. And because the composition and morphology are not fixed and there are no distinguishing lines of XRD in the gel, so it is unsuitable to call it "gel-typed entringite ". Finally, some suggestions for healthy development of expansive concrete are put forward.
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