郭樟根,孙伟民,彭 阳
郭樟根,孙伟民,彭 阳
摘 要:和预应力钢筋混凝土一样,预应力砌体也会发生预应力损失。因此,确定各个阶段的预应力损失值是进行预应力砌体结构设计的基础。通过试验研究了预应力砌块砌体的预应力损失随时间的变化规律,测试了各个阶段以及最终的预应力损失量。结果表明,预应力砌块砌体的预应力损失值不大,且前期发展较快。详细分析了预应力砌块砌体结构中预应力损失的各个组成部分,研究了预应力损失各个组成部分的大小和发展阶段。在此基础上,提出了预应力砌块砌体预应力损失的计算公式和总损失值。
Abstract: There is prestressed loss in prestressed masonry just like prestressed reinforced concrete. Determining prestressed loss value in each phase is the base of structure design of prestressed masonry. The variation law of the prestressed loss of prestressed block and masonry by time is studied through experiment, and the prestressed loss in each and final phase is tested. The results indicate that the prestressed loss value of prestressed block and masonry is small, and it develops quickly in early stage. Each component of prestressed loss in prestressed block and masonry structure is analyzed, and the value and development phase of each component of prestressed loss is researched. On this base, calculation formula of prestressed loss of prestressed block and masonry and total loss value is proposed.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州