张 峰,谢卫红,钟新辉
张 峰,谢卫红,钟新辉
摘 要:针对油井水泥石固有的极限应变小,抗冲击性能差等特点,尝试将纤维材料掺入到油井水泥浆中,以改善水泥石的力学性能。室内试验表明,由几种纤维混合后得到的一种合成纤维(代号FR)材料能够显著提高水泥石试样的力学性能,使水泥石试件的抗折强度提高10.26%~24.27%,压缩弹模下降9.09%~21.62%,抗冲击功增长7.39%~34.57%。
Abstract:According to the characteristics of inherent low ultimate strain and poor impact resistance of oil-well cement, fibre materials are tried to put into the oil-well cement slurry, which can improve mechanical properties of cementitious materials. Laboratory tests indicate that a kind of synthetic fibre material (FR) can observably improve mechanical properties of cementitious samples, which makes the flexural strength of samples increase about 10.26% to 24.27%, elastic modulus of compressibility decrease about 9.09% to 21.62% and impact resistance increase about 7.39% to 34.57%.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州