冯乃谦1,陈乐雄2,叶浩文3,李 浩4,徐勋龙2,陈潮龙2,周奇明2,齐世坤1
冯乃谦1,陈乐雄2,叶浩文3,李 浩4,徐勋龙2,陈潮龙2,周奇明2,齐世坤1
摘 要:釆用纳米微珠及复合超细粉技术,通过蒸养(85℃,4~5h) 获得了抗压强度100~110MPa的高性能混凝土管桩。混凝土的力学性能与耐久性均得到提高,所制管桩的性能优于普通管桩。同时免除了管桩生产过程中的蒸压工艺,使生产成本下降,是一种省资源、省能源、与环境相协调的混凝土低碳技术。
Abstract: According to nano micro-bead (N-MB) and the technology of composite ultrafine powder, the high-performance concrete piles are prepared with the compressive strength of 100~110MPa by stream curing. The mechanism and durability performance of concrete are improved, and the performances of new prepared piles are better than the original ones. Meanwhile, the new technology can exempt the stream-pressure process in the piles production, which can decrease the production cost, and it’s a kind of concrete low carbon technology coordinating with the environment.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州