钱觉时1,蒋长清1,王 智2,唐祖全1,王华明3,马德功4
钱觉时1,蒋长清1,王 智2,唐祖全1,王华明3,马德功4
摘 要:聚丙烯酸盐类减缩剂由丙烯酸、苯乙烯、聚乙二醇、引发剂、链转移剂、催化剂等经过聚合、酯化和中和反应,生成一种高分子量的、含聚氧化烯链的梳型聚合物。其掺量为水泥质量的0.3%~2.0%,7d减缩率可达50%~70%,28d减缩率可达40%~50%;不降低混凝土的强度;具有10%~18%的减水率;有一定的缓凝作用。也可以作为一种养护剂喷涂到混凝土构件与制品的表面,同样具有很好的减缩效果。
Abstract: The shrinkage reducing agent of poly-acrylate is mainly composed of crylic acid、cinnamene、poly-glycol、solicitating agent、chain transferring agent and activator, and passed through the processes of polymerization、esterifing and neutralization to form a pectinate polymer, that has a high molecular weight and many poly-oxidative alkenes. The dosage of this agent is in 0.3%~2.0% of mass of the cement in concrete. The shrinkage reducing rate can reach to 50%~70% at the 7th day, and 40%~50% at the 28th day. It doesn′t reduce the compressive strength of the concrete, and has an ability of 10%~18% of water reducing rate. It can retard the setting time of the concrete. It also can be sprayed on the surface of concrete members as a curring agent, and have a good shrinkage reducing effect.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州