摘 要:采用连续级配粗集料和单一粒级粗集料配制多孔混凝土,研究了集料级配对多孔混凝土的表观密度﹑抗压强度﹑空隙率﹑透水系数的影响。试验结果表明,在相同集灰比情况下,采用单一粒级的粗集料配制的多孔混凝土能获得较高的空隙率(大于22%),且抗压强度达15MPa,可满足对护坡工程所用生态混凝土提出的要求。
Abstract: With preparing the porous concrete by using of coarse aggregate, both continuous grading and single size particle, the influence of aggregate grading on to specific density, compressive strength, porosity and water-permeating coefficient has been investigated. The rezults show that, when the ratios of aggregate to cement are in the same, the concrete prepared by single size particle will get a larger porosity (more than 20% ) and a higher comressive strength (up to 15MPa ), that will meet the demands of Ecological Concrete for protection of embankments.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州