摘 要: 采用新老混凝土粘结而制作的立方体试件,通过快速冻融试验,研究了冻融循环作用对新老混凝土粘结性能的影响。试验包括对已有的混凝土经历冻融循环作用后再与新混凝土粘结和新老混凝土粘结后再经历冻融循环两种情况,探索了冻融循环次数、粘结面粗糙度和界面剂类型等因素对粘结面劈拉强度的影响规律,分析了冻融循环作用对新老混凝土粘结面的损伤机理,并对遭受冻融破坏的混凝土结构粘结修补提出了建议。
Abstract: The influence of freeze-thaw cycling on the bonding perporemance of post-casting concrete to old concrete is studied by the accelerated freeze-thawing tests, the speciments are shaped as cubic and made by bonding of fresh concrete to old concrete. The tests include two groups, one is the old concrete that has already undergone the freezing - thawing and then was bonded by fresh concrete, after curring the splitting tests were carried out; the other one is that, the cubic speciments are made by fresh and old concrete and after curring undergone the freez-thawing tests, and finery the splitting tests were carried out. The factors that influence the splitting tensile strength such as the number of freezing thawing cycles, the roughness of interfaces and the type of interfacial agent are experimentally studied, and the mechanism on demage of bond of interface is analysed. Finally, a suggestion for repairing a damaged structure due to freeze-thawing is given up.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州