池远东,金南国,金贤玉,田 野
池远东,金南国,金贤玉,田 野
摘 要:为了揭示受约束混凝土内部的应力发展情况,以便更好地预测混凝土的开裂时间,本文在前人理论分析混凝土环收缩开裂的基础上,综合考虑了自由收缩、徐变、约束度和弹性模量等因素对混凝土环开裂的影响,推导出混凝土环应力公式。将混凝土环应力公式与最大抗拉应力破坏准则相结合,预测混凝土环开裂时间。预测得到的开裂时间与混凝土环约束试验的实测结果吻合良好。
Abstract: To describe the development of stress in restrained concrete and predict the cracking age of concrete more precisely, the stress formula of a concrete ring was established, based on the forefather′s theory of predicting the shrinkage cracking of concrete ring and on the considering of free shrinkage, creep, degree of the restraint and elastic modules of concrete simultaneously. Simultaneously the ultimate tension stress was also introduced to predict the cracking age of concrete ring. The predicted age of cracking was in agreement with the experimental results resonablely.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州