摘 要:为了提高建筑石膏中减水剂的使用效率,试验研究了建筑石膏比表面积、减水剂掺法、pH值等因素对建筑石膏分散性和强度的影响,并对其影响规律进行了分析。结果表明适当增加建筑石膏细度可提高减水剂的使用效率;不同掺法的减水剂作用效果存在较大差异,先掺法效果最好;pH值对减水剂分散效果有一定影响,在弱碱性条件下减水剂分散效果最好。
Abstract: In order to improve the water-reducing efficiency of superplasticizers, the influence of superplasticizer on the dispersion and strength of building gypsum was investigated from the point of specific surface area of gypsum particles, addition method of superplasticizers and pH value, and their influencing rules were also analyzed. The results indicate that appropriate increase in fineness of gypsum particles will improve the water-reducing efficiency of superplasticizers. And superplasticizers with different addition methods behave as a different way. Besides, the dispersion effect of superplasticizers is in the best when they are mixed into gypsum prior to adding the water and pH value also has the influence on the dispersion of superplasticizers which is in the best under weakly alkalescent environment.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州