叶梅新,唐习龙, 肖 佳
叶梅新,唐习龙, 肖 佳
摘 要:介绍了自密实钢管混凝土的试配研究,对混凝土拌合物的流动性能、力学性能和变形特点进行了试验测定,并对自密实混凝土进行了密封试块与非密封试块的力学性能对比试验,设计了满足施工要求的钢管混凝土配合比,且成功地应用在江西某大桥的施工中。现场施工情况表明:混凝土具有可泵性好,坍落度损失低、高强、早强、自密实等性能。
Abstract:The experimental studies on self-compacting concrete filled in steel tube are introduced, including the measurement of flowability of mixtures, the comparison of mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete by curing with or without the means of seal up, the proportioning of self-compacting concrete filled in steel tube and that has been applied in a large bridge structure in Jiangxi. And the state of construction shows that for the concrete there is a good pumpability, a small loss of slump, a high strength and early strength, and a better self-compactability.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州