武 斌1,2,谭卓英2,尹 晶1,赵 爽3,齐 昆4
Experimental Research on the Bond-slip Behavior of Red Mud Concrete Filled Square Steel Tubes
2020年1期 No.285 P36-40
Red mud concrete filled square steel tube; Bond-slip; Red mud replacement rate; Bond strength
2020年1期 No.285 P36-40
武 斌1,2,谭卓英2,尹 晶1,赵 爽3,齐 昆4
1.辽宁省交通高等专科学校建筑工程系,沈阳 110122;2.北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,100083;3.中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司,沈阳 110000;4.国网沈阳供电公司,110000
ZHANG G L,LI C,ZHANG Y,et al.Effect of Composite Admixture with Early Strength and Viscosity-Reducing Function on the Concrete of Shield Tunnel Segment[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(1):29-32.
Abstract: Fifteen red mud concrete filled square steel tubes short column specimens were designed for the push-out test, and the load-slip curves of red mud concrete filled square steel tubes were obtained, and the effects of the replacement rate of red mud mass, concrete strength, length diameter ratio(embedment length), width to thickness ratio on the bond slip behavior of the steel stubs were studied. The results show that the load slip curves of red mud concrete filled square steel tubes can be classified into five stages: no slipping, ascending, descending, reascending and redescending. The bond ultimate load increases first and then decreases with the increase of red mud substitution rate. When the substitution rate of red mud is 5%, the bond ultimate load reaches the maximum. When the substitution rate of red mud is 20%, the bond ultimate load is equivalent to that of normal concrete filled steel tube. The bond ultimate load increases with the increase of the concrete strength and the length-diameter ratio, and decreases with the increase of the width-thickness ratio.
英文名 :
Experimental Research on the Bond-slip Behavior of Red Mud Concrete Filled Square Steel Tubes
刊期 :
2020年1期 No.285 P36-40
关键词 :
Key words :
Red mud concrete filled square steel tube; Bond-slip; Red mud replacement rate; Bond strength
刊期 :
2020年1期 No.285 P36-40
文章编号 :
基金项目 :
作者 :
武 斌1,2,谭卓英2,尹 晶1,赵 爽3,齐 昆4
单位 :
1.辽宁省交通高等专科学校建筑工程系,沈阳 110122;2.北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,100083;3.中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司,沈阳 110000;4.国网沈阳供电公司,110000
武 斌1,2,谭卓英2,尹 晶1,赵 爽3,齐 昆4
ZHANG G L,LI C,ZHANG Y,et al.Effect of Composite Admixture with Early Strength and Viscosity-Reducing Function on the Concrete of Shield Tunnel Segment[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2020(1):29-32.
Abstract: Fifteen red mud concrete filled square steel tubes short column specimens were designed for the push-out test, and the load-slip curves of red mud concrete filled square steel tubes were obtained, and the effects of the replacement rate of red mud mass, concrete strength, length diameter ratio(embedment length), width to thickness ratio on the bond slip behavior of the steel stubs were studied. The results show that the load slip curves of red mud concrete filled square steel tubes can be classified into five stages: no slipping, ascending, descending, reascending and redescending. The bond ultimate load increases first and then decreases with the increase of red mud substitution rate. When the substitution rate of red mud is 5%, the bond ultimate load reaches the maximum. When the substitution rate of red mud is 20%, the bond ultimate load is equivalent to that of normal concrete filled steel tube. The bond ultimate load increases with the increase of the concrete strength and the length-diameter ratio, and decreases with the increase of the width-thickness ratio.
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