王迎斌,马保国,罗忠涛,李相国,张 慢
王迎斌,马保国,罗忠涛,李相国,张 慢
摘 要:在饱和Ca(OH)2环境下研究了温度、时间及粉煤灰粒度对低钙粉煤灰的活性率及水化粉煤灰颗粒表面微观形貌的影响。结果表明,在本文实验条件下,随温度的升高,粉煤灰的活性率增加,但并不存在线性的增加效应,在60℃~80℃区间粉煤灰活性率有较大的跃升;在80℃饱和石灰水环境下,粉煤灰活性率与反应时间呈线性增加的关系;在饱和石灰水中可以充分分散的前提下,粉煤灰的活性率与其本身的细度相关性较小。
Abstract:The effect of temperature, age and the fineness of powders of fly ash on its activity ratio and the surface micro feature of hydrated fly ash, at the alkaline environment with saturated limewater, was studied. The results show that along with the raising of temperature, the activity ratio of fly ash is increasing, but the raising valums are not in the linear, the activity ratio of fly ash has a ultra rise from 60℃ to 80℃. In the environment of saturated limewater at 80℃, the relationship between activity rate and age of reaction is linear, i.e. the age increasing, the ratio increasing, however, there is less interrelationship between activity ratio and the fineness of fly-ash when fly ash powders will be sufficiently separated in saturated limewater.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州