张建新,彭家惠,李 青,李志坤,白 冷
张建新,彭家惠,李 青,李志坤,白 冷
摘 要:研究了羟丙基甲基纤维素醚(HPMC)对特细砂水泥砂浆的保水性、施工性、强度及塑性开裂的影响,分析了HPMC粘度、细度对砂浆保水性的影响规律。结果表明,HPMC可显著提高砂浆保水性、粘聚性、抗流挂性,使砂浆抗拉强度、粘结强度明显提高;同时,HPMC可有效抑制砂浆塑性裂缝的形成,降低塑性开裂指数;砂浆保水性随HPMC粘度增加而提高,当HPMC粘度超过40000 MPa·s后,保水性不再明显增加;HPMC的细度对砂浆保水率也有一定的影响。
Abstract: The influences of hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose ester (HPMC) on water retention, workability, strength and plastic cracking of cement mortar are studied by testing. In addition, the influential tendency of HPMC viscosity and fineness on the water retention capacity of mortar was investigated. The results indicate that the addition of HPMC will increase the water retention, cohesion and sagrigational resistance of mortar significantly, and will improve its tensile strength and bonding strength, and will prevent form forming of plastic crack effectively. Besides, the water retention of mortar is increased with the enhancing of HPMC viscosity and will not do so when HPMC viscosity is in excess of 40000 MPa·s. The suitable dosage and viscosity of HPMC are 0.1%~0.2% and 40000 MPa·s respectively.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州