蒲心诚1,王 冲1,刘 芳1,王勇威2,万朝均1,杨长辉1
蒲心诚1,王 冲1,刘 芳1,王勇威2,万朝均1,杨长辉1
摘 要:论述了制备特超强高性能混凝土的技术途径与配比参数。采用常规的原材料及通用的制备工艺,以0.14~0.18的极低水胶比,制成了流动性优异、强度特高的特超强高性能混凝土,混合料坍落度达268mm,扩展度达680mm,90d抗压强度达175.8MPa,365d达到182.9MPa。与活性粉末混凝土相比,特超强高性能混凝土具有原料易得、制备简单、施工容易、成本低廉等优势,将成为未来混凝土科技发展的主导方向。文章还讨论了这种混凝土的水化放热、收缩及脆性等问题。讨论表明,这些混凝土所固有的问题,均有获得满意解决的有效途径。文章还展望了这种混凝土的未来应用前景。
Abstract:The preparational technology of ultra high strength high performance concrete (UHSHPC) is developed and the parameters of mix proportion is introduced. Based on the ordinary raw materials, the usual techniques and the extremety low water binder ratio of 0.14 to 0.18, UHSHPC with excellent workability and ultra high strength is successfully produced, the slump of which is up to 268mm, and the spread diameter of slump is more than 680mm, in the meantime, the compressive strength is higher than 175.8 MPa at the age of 90 days and more than 182.9 MPa after 365 days. The UHSHPC has several advantages such as the good availability of raw materials, the simplicity of production, the easiness for construction, the low production costs and etc., compared with the reactive powder concrete. As a result, UHSHPC will becom the main trend of the future concrete technology. The heat evolution during cement hydration, the shrinkage, and the brittleness of this UHSHPC are concerned and discussed. Even though all the above concerns are related with the intrinsic problems of concrete, the effective ways could be found to solve these problems satisfactorily. Finnally, the prospects for application of this UHSHPC are described by authors.
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