摘 要:通过掺入8%非碱矿物激发剂KL和1.5%碱性激发剂KJ,可以激发矿渣及粉煤灰潜在的水硬活性,从而可配制出性能良好的化学激发胶凝材料。试验结果表明,所配制的化学激发胶凝材料具有良好的基本性能,其3d、28d抗压及抗折强度完全达到P·O42.5水泥的性能要求,凝结时间及安定性合格,具有高的后期强度、抗渗性能、抗腐蚀性能、抗碳化性能和抗钢筋锈蚀性能,以及具有低的干缩率和碱骨料反应膨胀率等。
Abstract: A chemical activated material, which is based on activated slag and fly-ash and has many good properties, has been developed by adding of 8% non-alkali mineral activator and 1.5% alkali activator. The testing results showed that, its compressive and flexural strength at 3d or 28d ages meets the requirements of P.O42.5 cement, and its setting time and soundness are qualified to the standards. Moreover, it has many other excellent properties, such as high strength at later age, low dry shrinkage, high impermeability, high chemical-attack resistance, high corrosion resistance, high carbonation resistance, and low alkali-aggregate- reaction expansion, etc.
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