陈 伟,钱觉时,范英儒
陈 伟,钱觉时,范英儒
摘 要:目前,大部分陶粒的形状和吸水性能均难以满足混凝土工作性能要求。采用粒形较差和粒径较大的陶粒,通过破碎获得级配较好的粗集料和细集料,采用表面憎水处理减小其吸水性,并将经破碎和表面改性后的陶粒用于配制混凝土。结果表明:陶粒通过破碎后可获得公称粒径为5~16mm连续颗粒级配的破碎陶粒,经表面憎水处理后,破碎陶粒1h吸水率从13.5%降低至3.2%,采用经憎水处理的破碎陶粒配制的混凝土,相对原状陶粒和预湿破碎陶粒,在相同坍落度下的用水量和坍落度损失相当,但泌水率降低、强度提高较多;陶粒破碎后还可获得公称粒径为0~5mm颗粒级配的陶砂,表面憎水处理后,陶砂1h吸水率从22.0%降到20.5%,降低程度不明显,但仍可用于配制次(全)轻轻集料混凝土。
Abstract: For improving the granular shape and the water absorption of the ceramicite, a kind of expanded shale with large particle size and poor shape has been crushed and a lightweight aggregate with better grading, which include coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, has been obtained. Then, a hydrophobic treatment on the surface of these aggregates has been done for improving the water absorption. Afterward, the concrete with this managed aggregates is prepared and tested. The results show that a lightweight aggregate with continual grading and a nominal size of 5~16mm can be made by crushing of ceramisite, and after hydrophobic treatment for them, the 1h water absorption can be decreased from 13.5% to 3.2%, and the water requirement and slump loss of concrete made with crushed and treated ceramicite are equilibrated to the concrete made with original ceremicite or crushed and wetted ceramicite, but the bleeding rate will be decreased and the strength will be enhanced for more. Besides, a ceramic sand with the nominal size of 0~5mm and the proper grading can also be gotton by crushing the ceramicite, and after the surface treatment, its 1h water absorption will be decreased from 22.0% to 20.5%, the decreasing degree is not so obvious.
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