摘 要:采用在3.5%氯化钠溶液(质量分数)中半浸泡的试验方法,研究了氯离子通过毛细作用进入水泥砂浆后,氯离子与碱含量沿试件竖向的变化规律。结果表明,氯离子在砂浆竖向断面上类似地呈开口向上的抛物线型分布。氯离子与碱含量随试件高度的增加而减小,且表层砂浆中的氯离子含量明显高于内部,水泥混凝土材料内外相对湿度的差异是造成盐溶液的侵入呈类似抛物线型分布的主要原因。
Abstract: In order to investigating the distribution rule of chloride and alkali, when its ions penetrated into concrete by capillary action, the tests were carried out by the method of partially soaking the speciments in sodium chloride solution with mass fraction of 3.5%. The rezults show that, the shapes of chloride ion's occupation on the surface of vertical section of speciments like a parabora curve with both ends go up, the contents of chloride and alkali decrease with increasing of height of speciment, and the contents of chloride ions at the outward layers of speciment are obviously higher than that of inner. The main cause, that makes the distribution as stated above, is the differential of relative humidity between the outernal and internal of a concrete speciment.
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