摘 要:对再生混凝土进行了快速冻融试验研究。结果表明,经一定的冻融循环后,再生混凝土的强度、质量和相对动弹模量均有不同程度的下降。和普通混凝土相比,其质量和相对动弹模量下降幅度小于普通混凝土的降幅,而强度下降幅度则大于普通混凝土的。根据再生混凝土抗冻性试验结果,初步建立了基于再生混凝土抗折强度衰变规律的抗冻耐久性寿命模型。
Abstract:The accelerated freez-thawing tests for researching of recycle aggregate concrete have been down and the rezults show that the strength, mass and relative dynamic modulus of recycle concrete are all decreased in different levels with the increasing of freez-thawing cycle numbers. However, the docreasing quantities of mass and dynamic modulus for recycle aggregate concrete are less than that of odinary concrete, but the decreasing quantities of strength is larger than ordinary concrete. And based on the test rezutls a formula for describing the declining of flexural strength of R.A.C. by freezing and thawing is build up and a model for predicting the live-span of R.A.C. in proper srvice is put forward.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州