张悦然,张永娟,张 雄
张悦然,张永娟,张 雄
摘 要:混凝土凝结硬化阶段的抗扰动性能是指混凝土在此期间经过振动的干扰,其强度发展不受影响的能力,这对于在不中断交通的情况下对桥梁进行维修和加固具有重要意义。本文在定义混凝土贯入阻力值与凝结硬化阶段初期、中期及后期的对应关系基础上,利用超声法对混凝土抗扰动性进行了研究,对混凝土凝结硬化初期、中期和后期的强度变化进行了分析,得出了混凝土在凝结硬化阶段的初期和后期具有一定的抗扰动性,但凝结硬化中期混凝土抗扰动性能最差的结论。
Abstracts: The anti-disturbance of concrete in the setting and hardening period means that the ability of strength development of concrete is not effected by the vibrating disturbances, which is very important to the maitaining and strengthening of bridges without traffic interruption. In this paper, based on the corresponding relationship between penetration resistance value of concrete and the initial, mid, or late stages of the period of setting and hardening, the anti-disturbance performance of concrete is studied by ultrasonic method and the strength charnge of the initial, mid, and late stages is analyzed. As a result, in the initial and late stages of the period of setting and hardening of concrete, there is some anti-disturbance performance, but the anti-disturbance of concrete is the worst in the mid stage.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州