邓 璇1,高建明1,刘艳玲1,赖昌云1,陈国忠2
邓 璇1,高建明1,刘艳玲1,赖昌云1,陈国忠2
摘 要:通过水泥净浆流动度试验,研究了新型木聚脂肪族高效减水剂与水泥的相容性。讨论了不同掺量减水剂与不同熟料、不同细度、含不同混合材及其掺量的水泥之间的相容性。结果表明,减水剂掺量为1.6%时与各种水泥有良好的相容性。但水泥比表面积大于4000cm2/g时,随着水泥比表面积的增加,30min及60min经时流动度损失较大;当水泥熟料中C3A含量较低(10%以下)时,降低C3S/C2S比值可以减小水泥浆体流动度的经时损失。粉煤灰与矿粉双掺,可以进一步提高木聚脂肪族高效减水剂与水泥的相容性。
Abstracts: Based on the tests of fluidity of cement paste, the compatibility between a new type of lignified-poly aliphatic superplasticizer and cement is investigated and the tests is carried on with different contents of superplasticizer, different cement clinker and fineness and different types and contents of addotoves. The results show that the compatibility between lignified-poly aliphatic superplasticizer and different types of cement is good when the content of superplasticizer is 1.6%. When the specific surface area of cement is more than 4000cm2/g, the fluidity loss at 30min or 60min becomes greater by the increase of specific surface. When the content of C3A in clinker is lower (less than 10%), lowing the ratio of C3A/C2A could reduce the fluidity loss of cement paste. The compatibility between lignified-poly aliphatic superplasticizer and cement can also be improved when fly ash and slag are added with together.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州