赵 健1,高玉生2,谢凯军2
赵 健1,高玉生2,谢凯军2
摘 要:京沪高速铁路对高性能混凝土的要求很高,主要体现在混凝土的电通量的要求上,本文通过对京沪高铁土建工程三标段高性能混凝土耐久性指标与电通量关系的分析研究,并在电通量试验结果的基础上,讨论了电通量的主要影响因素和正确获得混凝土电通量的试验方法,以及进行了降低高性能混凝土电通量的措施。
Abstracts: The technical requirements of high performance concrete(HPC) should be greater for Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway, which are mainly embodied on the requirements of electric flux through the concrete. In this paper, the relationship between HPC durability and electric flux is analyzed for Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway project. And based on the testing results, the main influencing factors and suitabal testing methods of electric flux, as well as the measures of reducing electric flux of HPC, are discussed.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州