吴建华,张亚梅,孙 伟
吴建华,张亚梅,孙 伟
摘 要:对混凝土典型的碳化模型及碳化试验方法进行了调研,比较了各种模型、试验方法或测试技术的原理和适用范围,并分析了各自的优缺点。传统混凝土碳化研究的思路和方法存在诸多局限性,不能将实验室研究较好地与现场检测结果关联起来。以耐久性劣化指标为主导的方法,为耐久性研究树立了一新概念。与碳化过程密切相关的表层混凝土的气体扩散系数、pH值与可碳化物质含量,能够反应表层混凝土被碳化的程度以及可能的劣化趋势;此外,新的测试方法摒弃了传统的破损方式,从而架起了实验室与现场研究之间的桥梁。通过将表层混凝土的渗透性与碱储备状态结合起来考虑,采用适当的碳化模型,可建立渗透性、碱含量等参数与劣化性能之间的关系,从而可较全面客观地评估混凝土的耐久性。
Abstract:The carbonation models and test methods for concrete are reviewed,and their principles, application scopes, merits and shortcomings are analyzed. Because of the limitations of traditional research methods, it is difficalt to liking the lab results with the in-situ test results. A new methad, which take the deterioration indicator of concrete as the main factor, build up the new concept for research the durability of concrete, i. e. the gas diffusion coefficient, pH value and the content of alkali substances can reflect the degree of carbonation and the deterioration trend of coveral concrete. Meanwhile, a new non-destructive test methods will set up a bridge between the lab and the in-situ research. Therefor, based on test rezults of the permeability and the alkali coutent of coveral concrete, and using of a suitable carbontion model, a relationship between the deleriaration degree of concrete properties and the parameters of concrete, such as permeability ,alkali content, etc. will be built up. And that will make the evaluation of concrete durability more objective.
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