於林锋1,杨全兵2,朱蓓蓉2,赵玉静3,康 明3,谢苑华3
於林锋1,杨全兵2,朱蓓蓉2,赵玉静3,康 明3,谢苑华3
摘 要:研究了原状水淬矿渣代砂对新拌混凝土及硬化混凝土性能的影响。结果表明,矿渣代砂后混凝土工作性能变差;在相同坍落度下,矿渣代砂混凝土的泌水率更大,坍落度损失更快。对于同水灰比混凝土,其抗压强度和抗折强度随代砂率的提高而增大,且随养护龄期的增加,提高幅度加大;矿渣代砂后,混凝土的弹性模量也有一定程度的增长;矿渣代砂混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀的能力与普通混凝土差别不大。
Abstract: Effects of that, the natural sand of concrete is replaced by the blast furnace slag, on properties of fresh and hardened concrete were investigated by testing. The results indicate that, after the slag replace the natural sand, the workability of concrete becomes lower, while the bleeding of the concrete will be higher, and the loss of slump of the concrete will be faster, at the similar slump. For the same w/c, the compressive strength, the flexural strength and the modulus of elasticity of concrete are enhanced with the increase of slag replacement rate, and the enhanced rate becomes larger with the increase of curing age. And the sulfate attack resistance of slag replaced concrete is similar to ordinary concrete.
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