孙家瑛1,2,乔 燕2,郑德康3
孙家瑛1,2,乔 燕2,郑德康3
摘 要:研究了以管沟污泥等量替代天然细集料制备水泥混凝土的技术。结果表明,在混凝土中掺加一定量的管沟污泥可以配制出强度为40MPa以上的混凝土,同时其28d强度可高于同配合比的基准混凝土。此外,随污泥掺量的增加,混凝土坍落度会降低,凝结时间会延长。测试掺污泥的水泥混凝土固结体中重金属溶出量表明其可满足国家标准的要求,无二次污染。
Abstract: The concrete added by sewer sludge for replacing of natural fine aggregate are prepared and tested. The results show that the concrete compressive strength can reach to 40MPa, that is higher than the standard concrete, when adding the proper quantity of sewer sludge. And with the increase of sludge content, the slump of concrete will be smaller. The tested data of heavy metal infusion toxicity for consolidated cement pasties with adding sludge can satisfy the requirements of national standard and have no pollution.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州