李长太1 ,钱觉时2,唐祖全2
李长太1 ,钱觉时2,唐祖全2
摘 要:将钢渣掺入到水泥基体中,不仅起到增强作用,而且还可以改善其导电性。本文试验研究了钢渣水泥基材料在单轴压应力下的机敏性,并探讨了将其用作监测材料对混凝土内部损伤进行监控的可行性。结果表明,该导电混凝土在压应力作用下,电阻率的变化趋势可近似地符合二次多项式方程;随钢渣掺量增加,钢渣混凝土的机敏效应增强。
Abstract: A cement-based material, in which the steel slag is added for increasing the strength and improving the electro-conductivity, is tested for measuring the sensitivity of electro-resistance change under uniaxal compression. The rezults show that the change of resistance rate of concrete with compressive stress is approximately comformed to a quadratic equation, that is, as increasing of steel slag content, as intensifying of mechanical sensitivity of concrete. Besides, the feasibility of using this material as a supervisor for moniotring concrete's internal damage is discussed.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州