摘 要:超早强是水泥混凝土路面修补材料必须具有的力学性能,高流动性则有利于修补施工,本文旨在配制出同时具有高流动性和超早强的混凝土修补材料。首先,通过试验研究配制出了能够明显改善混凝土早期强度、与减水剂有良好相容性的三元复合早强掺合料。然后,采用快硬硫铝酸盐水泥、氨基苯磺酸系高效减水剂及上述掺合料配制出高流动性超早强混凝土,其5h抗折强度达到3.7MPa,并具有良好的界面粘结性能和抗冻性能,在实际工程的修补应用中取得了良好的效果。
Abstract: High-fluidity and ultra- high early strength repairing concrete are studied in labortory and used in practical engineering. At the first, a RF admixture is made by blending three different inorganic salts, which improves the early strength of concrete and simultaneously has good compatibility with superplasticizers. And then the concrete is prepared with rapid-harden suphoaluminate cement, superpl as ticizer, an the admixture RF mentioned above, which has an ultra-high early strength, a good interfacial bonding strength and a high frost resistance in tests and repair application. The high flexural strength of 3.7 MPa at 5h makes the pavement can open to traffic as early as 5h after.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州