王志新1,孙家瑛2,邱慧琴3,顾 超3,王星宇3
王志新1,孙家瑛2,邱慧琴3,顾 超3,王星宇3
摘 要:目前,生活垃圾处理技术仍以填埋为主,而填埋处理技术又面临着选址、年处理垃圾量增加和很多填埋场填埋年限到期的问题。受循环经济启发,将陈腐5年以上的填埋场生活垃圾,加入固化剂及工业废渣进行固化处理,可以解决填埋场内陈腐垃圾的出路问题,而制成的固化体强度及耐久性还可达到路用地基材料的技术要求,同时符合环境排放要求,不会带来二次污染,文章探讨了陈腐垃圾固化体重金属的稳定性问题。
Abstract: “Burying” is still a primary technology for the manergement of municipal wastes at the present. But it faces the lots of problems swch as choosing the locations, increasing the working capacities year by year and reaching the dateline for the greater parts of locations. There is a method can be used to solve the above-mentioned problems, i.e. to adding a solidification agent and the mineral admixtures of industrial wastes to the aged wastes baried over 5 years, then a solidified substance will be taken and which properties including strength and durability will meet the requirments of road building materials of standard, moreover, the leaching toxicity of heavy metals in this substance will be lower than the discharge requirments of national standard. So, the second pollution dose not take place. Besides, the stability of heavy metals in the solidified substance made of aged wastes is discussed.
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