摘 要:研究了陶粒掺量、陶砂掺量、水泥用量对陶粒泡沫混凝土强度、表观密度的影响。通过三水平三因素正交设计方法确定了各组分的最佳掺量。研究结果表明,配制陶粒泡沫混凝土时,陶粒掺量、水泥用量都有其最佳值;陶砂的掺入降低了该种混凝土的强度以及比强;从综合成本和材料比强考虑,水泥用量不宜过多。
Abstract: The effects of ceramisite dosage, ceramic sand content and cement content on the strength and bulk density are studied. The optimum quantity of each composition is determined by three factors on three levels. The research results prove that when mixing ceramisite foamed concrete, both ceramisite dosage and cement content have their best quantity. The addition of ceramic sand reduces the strength and specific strength of concrete, and cement quantity is unfavorably overmuch from the points of both comprehensive costs and materials’ specific strength.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州