

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Study on the Corrosion Resistance Coefficient Test Method for Environmental Corrosion-resistance Admixture
Environmental corrosion-resistance admixture for concrete; Corrosion-resistance coefficient; Cement-sand ratio; Fluidity; Concentration; Compressive strength ratio
刘 立1,丁小富2,李长成1,郑永辉1,贾福杰1,赵顺增1,吴 勇1
1.中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司 绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室,北京 100024;2.浙江合力海科新材料股份有限公司,浙江 金华 321100

刘 立1,丁小富2,李长成1,郑永辉1,贾福杰1,赵顺增1,吴 勇1

摘   要:以40 mm×40 mm×160 mm试件替代10 mm×10 mm×60 mm试件(A法),建立了混凝土抗侵蚀防腐剂抗蚀系数试验方法(B法)。保持养护及腐蚀制度不变,按灰砂比1∶6,流动度(250±5)mm确定了水胶比,使侵蚀溶液浓度提高至15%,分别测试20 ℃侵蚀溶液中和水中90 d砂浆试件的抗压强度,以抗压强度比确定90 d抗蚀系数。结果表明:B法的90 d抗蚀系数与原A法的28 d抗蚀系数结果相吻合,B法是可行的。

Abstract: The corrosion resistance coefficient test method B for environmental corrosion-resistance admixture was established. The traditional 10 mm×10 mm×60 mm specimen (test method A) was replaced by 40 mm×40 mm×160 mm mortar specimen, while the curing and corrosion system remained unchanged, water-cement ratio was determined according to the mortar fluidity of (250±5)mm and the cement-sand ratio was 1∶6. The concentration of corrosion solution was increased to 15%. The compressive strength of mortar in corrosion solution and mortar in water at 20 ℃ for 90 d were tested, respectively. And the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d was determined by the compressive strength ratio. The results show that the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d of method B is consistent with the corrosion resistance coefficient at 28 d of the original method A. Therefore, test method B is feasible.


LIU L,DING X F,LI C C,et al.Study on the Corrosion Resistance Coefficient Test Method for Environmental Corrosion-resistance Admixture[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(10):17-20.

摘   要:以40 mm×40 mm×160 mm试件替代10 mm×10 mm×60 mm试件(A法),建立了混凝土抗侵蚀防腐剂抗蚀系数试验方法(B法)。保持养护及腐蚀制度不变,按灰砂比1∶6,流动度(250±5)mm确定了水胶比,使侵蚀溶液浓度提高至15%,分别测试20 ℃侵蚀溶液中和水中90 d砂浆试件的抗压强度,以抗压强度比确定90 d抗蚀系数。结果表明:B法的90 d抗蚀系数与原A法的28 d抗蚀系数结果相吻合,B法是可行的。 Abstract: The corrosion resistance coefficient test method B for environmental corrosion-resistance admixture was established. The traditional 10 mm×10 mm×60 mm specimen (test method A) was replaced by 40 mm×40 mm×160 mm mortar specimen, while the curing and corrosion system remained unchanged, water-cement ratio was determined according to the mortar fluidity of (250±5)mm and the cement-sand ratio was 1∶6. The concentration of corrosion solution was increased to 15%. The compressive strength of mortar in corrosion solution and mortar in water at 20 ℃ for 90 d were tested, respectively. And the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d was determined by the compressive strength ratio. The results show that the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d of method B is consistent with the corrosion resistance coefficient at 28 d of the original method A. Therefore, test method B is feasible.
英文名 : Study on the Corrosion Resistance Coefficient Test Method for Environmental Corrosion-resistance Admixture
刊期 : 2020年第10期
关键词 : 混凝土抗侵蚀防腐剂;抗蚀系数;灰砂比;流动度;浓度;抗压强度比
Key words : Environmental corrosion-resistance admixture for concrete; Corrosion-resistance coefficient; Cement-sand ratio; Fluidity; Concentration; Compressive strength ratio
刊期 : 2020年第10期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2020.10.017.04
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB0310004)。
作者 : 刘 立1,丁小富2,李长成1,郑永辉1,贾福杰1,赵顺增1,吴 勇1
单位 : 1.中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司 绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室,北京 100024;2.浙江合力海科新材料股份有限公司,浙江 金华 321100

刘 立1,丁小富2,李长成1,郑永辉1,贾福杰1,赵顺增1,吴 勇1

摘   要:以40 mm×40 mm×160 mm试件替代10 mm×10 mm×60 mm试件(A法),建立了混凝土抗侵蚀防腐剂抗蚀系数试验方法(B法)。保持养护及腐蚀制度不变,按灰砂比1∶6,流动度(250±5)mm确定了水胶比,使侵蚀溶液浓度提高至15%,分别测试20 ℃侵蚀溶液中和水中90 d砂浆试件的抗压强度,以抗压强度比确定90 d抗蚀系数。结果表明:B法的90 d抗蚀系数与原A法的28 d抗蚀系数结果相吻合,B法是可行的。

Abstract: The corrosion resistance coefficient test method B for environmental corrosion-resistance admixture was established. The traditional 10 mm×10 mm×60 mm specimen (test method A) was replaced by 40 mm×40 mm×160 mm mortar specimen, while the curing and corrosion system remained unchanged, water-cement ratio was determined according to the mortar fluidity of (250±5)mm and the cement-sand ratio was 1∶6. The concentration of corrosion solution was increased to 15%. The compressive strength of mortar in corrosion solution and mortar in water at 20 ℃ for 90 d were tested, respectively. And the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d was determined by the compressive strength ratio. The results show that the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d of method B is consistent with the corrosion resistance coefficient at 28 d of the original method A. Therefore, test method B is feasible.


LIU L,DING X F,LI C C,et al.Study on the Corrosion Resistance Coefficient Test Method for Environmental Corrosion-resistance Admixture[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(10):17-20.


摘   要:以40 mm×40 mm×160 mm试件替代10 mm×10 mm×60 mm试件(A法),建立了混凝土抗侵蚀防腐剂抗蚀系数试验方法(B法)。保持养护及腐蚀制度不变,按灰砂比1∶6,流动度(250±5)mm确定了水胶比,使侵蚀溶液浓度提高至15%,分别测试20 ℃侵蚀溶液中和水中90 d砂浆试件的抗压强度,以抗压强度比确定90 d抗蚀系数。结果表明:B法的90 d抗蚀系数与原A法的28 d抗蚀系数结果相吻合,B法是可行的。

Abstract: The corrosion resistance coefficient test method B for environmental corrosion-resistance admixture was established. The traditional 10 mm×10 mm×60 mm specimen (test method A) was replaced by 40 mm×40 mm×160 mm mortar specimen, while the curing and corrosion system remained unchanged, water-cement ratio was determined according to the mortar fluidity of (250±5)mm and the cement-sand ratio was 1∶6. The concentration of corrosion solution was increased to 15%. The compressive strength of mortar in corrosion solution and mortar in water at 20 ℃ for 90 d were tested, respectively. And the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d was determined by the compressive strength ratio. The results show that the corrosion resistance coefficient at 90 d of method B is consistent with the corrosion resistance coefficient at 28 d of the original method A. Therefore, test method B is feasible.


基于增大渗透性、加快侵蚀的目的,试验B法采用40 mm×40 mm×160 mm试件,按流动度为(250±5)mm确定水胶比,灰砂比1∶6,50 ℃湿养7 d后置于浓度15%的硫酸钠溶液浸泡90 d,以90 d侵蚀溶液中和水中试件的抗压强度比作为抗蚀系数。B法测得的抗蚀系数与A法相吻合性好,且与A法测的抗蚀系数相比,B法的数据离散性更小。因此,B法具有可行性与可靠性。

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LIU L,DING X F,LI C C,et al.Study on the Corrosion Resistance Coefficient Test Method for Environmental Corrosion-resistance Admixture[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(10):17-20.




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