

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of Different Thickness Mortar Joints on Thermal Performance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Wall
Ansys Workbench;灰缝厚度;热工性能;薄灰缝砌筑砂浆
Ansys Workbench; Thickness of mortar joint; Thermal performance; Thin mortar joint masonry mortar
吉林建筑大学 材料科学与工程学院,吉林 长春130118


摘   要:基于Ansys Workbench热力学模块对蒸压加气混凝土外墙传热模式进行了分析,并对研究单元进行建模,确定了模型边界条件及荷载加载形式。通过对3 mm、20 mm等不同厚度砌筑灰缝进行建模研究,探讨了不同灰缝厚度情况下,蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体温度的分布情况。结果表明,薄灰缝砌筑可以显著减少蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体的“微热桥效应”,从而降低墙体热量流失。灰缝散失的热量占墙体总散失热量百分比y与灰缝厚度x的关系为:y=0.946x+3.247。

Abstract: Based on the thermodynamics module of Ansys Workbench, the heat transfer mode of the outer wall of autoclaved aerated concrete was analyzed, and the research unit was modeled to determine the boundary conditions of the model and the form of load loading. Through the modeling study of masonry mortar joints with different thickness such as 3 mm and 20 mm, the temperature distribution of autoclaved aerated concrete block walls with different thickness of mortar joints was discussed. The results show that the thin mortar joint masonry mortar plays a positive role in reducing the "micro-thermal bridge effect" of autoclaved aerated concrete block wall and reducing the heat loss of wall. The relationship between the ratio of heat loss from ash joints to total heat loss from wall(y) and the thickness of mortar joints (x) is y=0.946x+3.247.


XIAO L G,XING W H.Effect of Different Thickness Mortar Joints on Thermal Performance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Wall[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(10):72-74,79.

摘   要:基于Ansys Workbench热力学模块对蒸压加气混凝土外墙传热模式进行了分析,并对研究单元进行建模,确定了模型边界条件及荷载加载形式。通过对3 mm、20 mm等不同厚度砌筑灰缝进行建模研究,探讨了不同灰缝厚度情况下,蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体温度的分布情况。结果表明,薄灰缝砌筑可以显著减少蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体的“微热桥效应”,从而降低墙体热量流失。灰缝散失的热量占墙体总散失热量百分比y与灰缝厚度x的关系为:y=0.946x+3.247。 Abstract: Based on the thermodynamics module of Ansys Workbench, the heat transfer mode of the outer wall of autoclaved aerated concrete was analyzed, and the research unit was modeled to determine the boundary conditions of the model and the form of load loading. Through the modeling study of masonry mortar joints with different thickness such as 3 mm and 20 mm, the temperature distribution of autoclaved aerated concrete block walls with different thickness of mortar joints was discussed. The results show that the thin mortar joint masonry mortar plays a positive role in reducing the "micro-thermal bridge effect" of autoclaved aerated concrete block wall and reducing the heat loss of wall. The relationship between the ratio of heat loss from ash joints to total heat loss from wall(y) and the thickness of mortar joints (x) is y=0.946x+3.247.
英文名 : Effect of Different Thickness Mortar Joints on Thermal Performance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Wall
刊期 : 2020年第10期
关键词 : Ansys Workbench;灰缝厚度;热工性能;薄灰缝砌筑砂浆
Key words : Ansys Workbench; Thickness of mortar joint; Thermal performance; Thin mortar joint masonry mortar
刊期 : 2020年第10期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2020.10.072.04
文章编号 :
基金项目 : “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD1101001);吉林省科技发展计划重点项目(20180312018ZX)。
作者 : 肖力光,邢纹浩
单位 : 吉林建筑大学 材料科学与工程学院,吉林 长春130118


摘   要:基于Ansys Workbench热力学模块对蒸压加气混凝土外墙传热模式进行了分析,并对研究单元进行建模,确定了模型边界条件及荷载加载形式。通过对3 mm、20 mm等不同厚度砌筑灰缝进行建模研究,探讨了不同灰缝厚度情况下,蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体温度的分布情况。结果表明,薄灰缝砌筑可以显著减少蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体的“微热桥效应”,从而降低墙体热量流失。灰缝散失的热量占墙体总散失热量百分比y与灰缝厚度x的关系为:y=0.946x+3.247。

Abstract: Based on the thermodynamics module of Ansys Workbench, the heat transfer mode of the outer wall of autoclaved aerated concrete was analyzed, and the research unit was modeled to determine the boundary conditions of the model and the form of load loading. Through the modeling study of masonry mortar joints with different thickness such as 3 mm and 20 mm, the temperature distribution of autoclaved aerated concrete block walls with different thickness of mortar joints was discussed. The results show that the thin mortar joint masonry mortar plays a positive role in reducing the "micro-thermal bridge effect" of autoclaved aerated concrete block wall and reducing the heat loss of wall. The relationship between the ratio of heat loss from ash joints to total heat loss from wall(y) and the thickness of mortar joints (x) is y=0.946x+3.247.


XIAO L G,XING W H.Effect of Different Thickness Mortar Joints on Thermal Performance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Wall[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(10):72-74,79.


摘   要:基于Ansys Workbench热力学模块对蒸压加气混凝土外墙传热模式进行了分析,并对研究单元进行建模,确定了模型边界条件及荷载加载形式。通过对3 mm、20 mm等不同厚度砌筑灰缝进行建模研究,探讨了不同灰缝厚度情况下,蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体温度的分布情况。结果表明,薄灰缝砌筑可以显著减少蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体的“微热桥效应”,从而降低墙体热量流失。灰缝散失的热量占墙体总散失热量百分比y与灰缝厚度x的关系为:y=0.946x+3.247。

Abstract: Based on the thermodynamics module of Ansys Workbench, the heat transfer mode of the outer wall of autoclaved aerated concrete was analyzed, and the research unit was modeled to determine the boundary conditions of the model and the form of load loading. Through the modeling study of masonry mortar joints with different thickness such as 3 mm and 20 mm, the temperature distribution of autoclaved aerated concrete block walls with different thickness of mortar joints was discussed. The results show that the thin mortar joint masonry mortar plays a positive role in reducing the "micro-thermal bridge effect" of autoclaved aerated concrete block wall and reducing the heat loss of wall. The relationship between the ratio of heat loss from ash joints to total heat loss from wall(y) and the thickness of mortar joints (x) is y=0.946x+3.247.


(1)在蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体中,使用薄灰缝砌筑砂浆可使灰缝散失热量占墙体总散失热量百分比从20 mm厚灰缝的22.35%降低至2 mm厚薄灰缝的4.65%,且二者呈正比关系,回归曲线方程式为y=0.946x+3.247。
(2)尽量减小砌筑砂浆灰缝厚度及优先选用更大尺寸的蒸压加气混凝土砌块对减少墙体热量散失有显著作用。传统常用的20 mm厚普通砂浆与蒸压加气混凝土砌块间的确存在“热桥效应”影响墙体保温性能,利用专用配套薄灰缝料浆砌筑能大大降低蒸压加气混凝土砌块外围护结构墙体的能量损失。

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XIAO L G,XING W H.Effect of Different Thickness Mortar Joints on Thermal Performance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block Wall[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(10):72-74,79.




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