

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



水泥基材料3D打印技术与应用 ——评《水泥基材料3D打印关键技术》
水泥基材料3D打印技术与应用 ——评《水泥基材料3D打印关键技术》
  • 王秋菊
  • 侯景鹏, 陈 群,史 巍,刘俊龙
摘   要:研究了钢渣和粉煤灰对C30重晶石防辐射混凝土工作性、力学性能、收缩性能、抗冻性能、抗碳化性能以及抗渗性能的影响。结果表明:重混凝土的坍落度随粉煤灰掺量的增加而增加,随钢渣掺量的增加而降低;重混凝土的28 d抗压强度随粉煤灰掺量的增加而先增加后降低,粉煤灰掺量为30%时,28 d抗压强度最大;重混凝土的收缩随钢渣和粉煤灰掺量的增加而降低,粉煤灰掺量为40%、钢渣掺量为30%时重混凝土的60 d收缩最小,为191 με;钢渣掺量为30%、粉煤灰掺量为40%时重混凝土冻融循环后的相对动弹性模量降低最小,抗冻性能最好;重混凝土的28 d碳化深度随粉煤灰掺量的增加而线性增加;重混凝土的渗水高度随钢渣和粉煤灰掺量的增加而降低,粉煤灰掺量为40%、钢渣掺量为30%的重混凝土渗水高度最小,为基准组的9.3%,抗渗性能大幅提高。 Abstract: The influence of steel slag and fly ash on the workability, mechanical properties, shrinkage, frost resistance, carbonation resistance and water permeability of C30 barite shield concrete was studied. The results show that the slump of heavy concrete increases with the increase of fly ash content, and decreases with the increase of steel slag content. The 28 d compressive strength of heavy concrete increases first and then decreases with fly ash content, and when the fly ash content is 30%, the 28 d compressive strength is the highest. The shrinkage of heavy concrete decreases with the addition of steel slag and fly ash, and when fly ash content is 40%, steel slag content is 30%, the shrinkage of heavy concrete at 60 d is the lowest, which is 191 με. When steel slag content is 30% and fly ash content is 40%, the relative dynamic elastic modulus of heavy concrete after freeze-thawing cycle decreases the least and the frost resistance is the best. The 28 d carbonation depth of heavy concrete increases linearly with fly ash content. The water seepage depth of heavy concrete decreases with the addition of fly ash and steel slag, and when fly ash content is 40%, steel slag content is 30%, the heavy concrete has the lowest water seepage depth, which is 9.3% of the reference heavy concrete, and the water seepage performance is greatly improved.
侯景鹏, 陈群,史巍,等.钢渣和粉煤灰对重混凝土性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):92-95. HOU J P,CHEN Q,SHI W,et al.Effect of Steel Slag and Fly Ash on the Performance of Heavy Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11):92-95.
  • 贾慧娜1,李亚丽1,张舜泉2
摘   要:利用钙基膨润土和石灰石粉部分取代水泥,研究了不同掺量的膨润土、石灰石粉对珊瑚混凝土力学性能与耐久性能的影响。结果表明:复掺膨润土和石灰石粉可明显提高珊瑚混凝土的抗压强度和劈裂抗拉强度,且当膨润土掺量为15%时达到最大值;复掺膨润土和石灰石粉可有效提高珊瑚混凝土的抗Cl-渗透性和抗硫酸盐侵蚀能力,且二者的最佳掺量均为15%。 Abstract: The effects of calcium-based bentonite and limestone powder on the mechanical properties and durability of coral concrete were studied by partially substituting cement powder with bentonite and limestone powder. The results show that the compounding of bentonite and limestone powder can significantly improve the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of coral concrete, and reach the maximum value when the amount of bentonite is 15%. Moreover, the compounding of bentonite and limestone powder can effectively improve the resistance of coral concrete to chloride ion permeability and sulfate resistance, and the optimal content of both is 15%.  
贾慧娜,李亚丽,张舜泉.膨润土和石灰石粉对珊瑚混凝土力学与耐久性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):87-91. JIA H N,LI Y L,ZHANG S Q.Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties and Durability of Coral Concrete Mixed with Bentonite and Limestone Powder[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11): 87-91.
  • 崔 征1,2,3,4,王达道1,2,3,4,徐志峰1,2,3,4,祝烨然1,2,3,4,唐修生1,2,3,4
摘   要:透水混凝土是“海绵城市”理念中的重要一环,对于减轻排水系统负担、缓解城市热岛效应、吸声降噪等具有积极作用。外掺材料的不同直接影响透水混凝土的力学性能、透水性能、抗冻融性能等,基于此,叙述了传统化学外加剂、复掺矿物掺合料和化学外加剂、树脂类聚合物改性剂、增强增韧材料对透水混凝土性能的影响,并对其研究方向进行了展望。 Abstract: Pervious concrete is an important part of the concept of "sponge city", which plays a positive role in reducing the burden of drainage system, alleviating the urban heat island effect, and absorbing noise. The different admixture materials directly affect the mechanical properties, water permeability and freeze-thaw resistance of pervious concrete. On this basis, the effects of traditional chemical admixtures, mixing of mineral admixture and chemical admixture, resin polymer modifiers, and reinforcement and toughening materials on the properties of pervious concrete are described, and their research directions are prospected.
崔征,王达道,徐志峰,等.外掺材料对透水混凝土性能影响的研究进展[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):83-86,91. CUI Z,WANG D D,XU Z F,et al.Research Progress on the Effects of Admixture Materials on the Properties of Pervious Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11): 83-86,91.
GB 38263—2019《水泥制品单位产品能源 消耗限额》标准解读
GB 38263—2019《水泥制品单位产品能源 消耗限额》标准解读
  • 田 寅,匡红杰
摘  要:新制订的国家标准GB 38263—2019《水泥制品单位产品能源消耗限额》已于2020年5月正式实施。为便于该标准的使用方准确理解标准条款的具体含义,正确贯彻实施标准条款的具体要求和规定,介绍了该标准的制订过程,并对标准的主要条款及其制订理由进行了解释和说明。 Abstract: The newly formulated national standard GB 38263—2019 The Norm of Energy Consumption Per Unit Throughout of Cement Products has been officially implemented in May 2020. In order to facilitate users of the standard to accurately understand the specific meaning of the standard terms and correctly implement the specific requirements and provisions of the standard terms, the formulation process of the standard, and explains the main provisions of the standard and the reasons for its revision are introduced.  
田寅,匡红杰.GB 38263—2019《水泥制品单位产品能源消耗限额》标准解读[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):79-82. TIAN Y,KUANG H J.Interpretation of GB 38263—2019 The Norm of Energy Consumption Per Unit Throughout of Cement Products[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11):79-82.
  • 叶家辉1,田静静2,熊厚仁1,袁克龙2,丁树丰1,殷旭峰1,张奕沁1,金寒烨1
摘   要:针对玻化微珠外墙外保温系统服役过程存在的病害特征,利用非金属超声检测仪测试了该系统在室内加速老化过程的劣化特征信号,对比分析了系统老化状态对不同部位的超声波波速、频率特征信号的影响,研究了不同热雨循环阶段该系统的超声波信号特征与宏观裂缝位置的对应性。结果表明:对于不同热雨循环下的玻化微珠外墙外保温系统,超声波信号异常位置与裂缝位置具有较好的对应性,系统饰面层的劣化特征与超声波波速信号异常数量的增长趋势一致,据此可实现该系统劣化阶段的无损检测;随着热雨循环次数的增加,超声波信号频率中心由低频向高频转移。 Abstract: Aiming at the disease characteristics of the external thermal insulation composite systems with glazed hollow bead (ETICS-GHB) during the service process, the degradation characteristic signals of the ETICS-GHB were carried out by a non-metallic ultrasonic detector in accelerated aging process indoors. The ultrasonic wave velocity and frequency characteristic signals of different parts of the ETICS-GHB were studied at different aging state. The relationship between ultrasonic signal characteristics and macro cracks location of this system in different heat-rain cycle stages was analyzed. The results show that the abnormal position of the ultrasonic signal has a good correspondence with the crack location for the ETICS-GHB under different heat-rain cycles, and the deterioration characteristics of the finish coating of the ETICS-GHB are consistent with the increasing number of abnormal ultrasonic wave velocity signals, and the degradation level of the ETICS-GHB can be achieved by the non-destructive testing. With the increase of heat-rain cycles, the frequency center of the ultrasonic signal shifts from low frequency to high frequency.
叶家辉,田静静,熊厚仁,等.基于超声波技术的玻化微珠外墙外保温系统劣化特征研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):74-78. YE J H,TIAN J J,XIONG H R,et al.Research on Deterioration Characteristics of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems with Glazed Hollow Bead Based on Ultrasonic Technology[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11): 74-78.
  • 漆贵海1,2,3,赖振彬2,3,杜 松2,3
摘   要:根据墙体材料在实际环境中的动态热传递,设计了一种墙体材料蓄放热性能动态测试方法:将墙体材料置于热室和冷室之间,对热室环境加热和降温,记录墙体材料表面及室内环境的温度变化,分析墙体材料的热工性能。根据延迟时间、衰减系数、升温和降温曲线等评价了墙体材料的保温隔热性能,对反射隔热涂料复合墙体材料进行了测试。结果表明:该方法能实现在试验室中测试墙体材料的保温隔热性能,并能反映出墙体材料的动态传热过程,具有简单易操作,试验结果可靠的特点。 Abstract: According to the dynamic heat transfer of the wall material in the actual environment, a dynamic test method for the heat storage and release performance of the wall material is designed. The wall material is placed between the hot room and the cold room to heat and cool the hot room environment. The temperature changes of the wall material surface and the indoor environment are recorded, and the thermal performance of the wall material is analyzed. According to the results of delay time, attenuation coefficient, heating and cooling curve, the thermal insulation performance of the wall material is evaluated, and the performance of reflective thermal insulation coating composite wall material is tested. The results show that this method can test the thermal insulation performance of wall material in the laboratory, and reflect the dynamic heat transfer process of wall material. This method is simple and feasible, and the test results are reliable.
漆贵海,赖振彬,杜松.墙体材料蓄放热性能动态测试方法[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):71-73. QI G H,LAI Z B,DU S.Dynamic Testing Method for Heat Storage and Release Performance of Wall Material[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11):71-73.
  • 李清海,赵娇娇,李清原,高建伟,吴玉姣,周胜男
摘   要:采用不同配筋率(0~1.20%)钢丝网片对混凝土外墙挂板进行增强增韧,通过四点弯曲强度-挠度曲线,结合混凝土试件开裂过程的试验现象,分析了配筋率对混凝土外墙挂板在弯曲荷载作用下不同阶段强度、挠度的影响规律。结果表明,试件的比例极限强度、破坏强度及其对应挠度均随配筋率的增加呈线性增加趋势,配筋率增至1.20%时,试件比例极限强度、破坏强度分别比空白试件提高了5.33倍、3.53倍,同时试件的比例极限挠度和破坏挠度分别提高了3.77倍和3.57倍。配筋率对试件非线性变形阶段的作用效果较准弹性阶段更为显著。通过对不同阶段强度及其对应挠度与配筋率的拟合分析,得出强度、挠度与配筋率的数学关系,为混凝土外墙挂板的高性能结构设计提供依据。 Abstract: The steel mesh was used to strengthen and toughen concrete exterior wallboard with different reinforcement ratio(0~1.20%). Based on the strength-deflection curve of four point bending and the experimental phenomenon of concrete cracking process, the influence of reinforcement ratio on the strength and deflection of concrete exterior wallboard at different stages was analyzed. The results show that the proportional ultimate strength and failure strength with the corresponding deflection of the specimens increase with the increase of reinforcement ratio. When the reinforcement ratio increases to 1.20%, the proportional ultimate strength and failure strength of the specimens are 5.33 times and 3.53 times higher than those of the specimens without steel mesh respectively, and the proportional ultimate deflection and failure deflection of the specimens are 3.77 times and 3.57 times higher respectively. The effect of reinforcement ratio on the nonlinear deformation stage is more significant than that of quasi elastic stage. Through the fitting analysis of strength and corresponding deflection with reinforcement ratio at different stages, the mathematical relationship can be obtained between the strength and deflection with the reinforcement ratio, which provides the basis for the high-performance structural design of concrete exterior wallboard.
李清海,赵娇娇,李清原,等.钢丝网片增强混凝土外墙挂板抗弯性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):66-70. LI Q H,ZHAO J J,LI Q Y,et al.Study on the Flexural Performance of Steel Mesh Reinforced Concrete Exterior Wallboard[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11):66-70.
  • 王金辉1,葛 晨2,谈永泉3,俞君宝2
摘   要:通过聚丙烯腈(PAN)纤维混凝土和聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维混凝土的三点弯曲切口梁试验,研究了合成纤维掺量和弹性模量对混凝土弯曲韧性的影响,探究了纤维混凝土跨中挠度(δ)和裂缝张开口位移(CMOD)与纤维掺量的关系。结果表明:针对混凝土弯曲韧性而言,PAN纤维与PVA纤维的合适掺量范围分别为1.5~1.8 kg/m3和1.3~1.5 kg/m3;δ与CMOD之间存在线性关系,可以用纤维掺量与CMOD预测δ。 Abstract: The influence of the content and elastic modulus of synthetic fiber on the flexural toughness of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber concrete and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber concrete was studied by the three-point bending notch beam test. The relationship between midspan deflection (δ) and crack tensioning displacement (CMOD) and fiber content of fiber concrete was investigated. The results show that the optimal content range of PAN fiber and PVA fiber are 1.5~1.8 kg/m3 and 1.3~1.5 kg/m3, respectively. There is a linear relationship between δ and CMOD, the fiber content and CMOD can be used to predict δ.
王金辉,葛晨,谈永泉,等.合成纤维混凝土弯曲韧性研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):61-65. WANG J H,GE C,TAN Y Q,et al.Study on Flexural Toughness of Synthetic Fiber Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11):61-65.
  • 张克纯1,2,余江滔3,刘柯柯3
摘   要:采用改进的干湿循环浸泡法,对比研究了PE纤维混凝土、钢纤维混凝土和混杂纤维(PE纤维+钢纤维)混凝土的抗Cl-渗透性能。结果表明,纤维混凝土的抗Cl-渗透性与纤维总表面积之间存在线性相关性,纤维总表面积越大,混凝土抗Cl-渗透性能越差;PE纤维和混杂纤维混凝土的抗Cl-渗透性能低于普通混凝土,钢纤维混凝土的抗Cl-渗透性能高于普通混凝土;在混杂纤维总体积掺量不变的情况下,PE纤维的掺量越多,混杂纤维混凝土的Cl-渗透系数越大,抗Cl-渗透能力越差。 Abstract: The resistance of PE fiber concrete, steel fiber concrete and hybrid fiber(PE fiber + steel fiber) concrete to chloride ion penetration was studied by the improved dry-wet cyclic immersion test. The results show that there is a linear correlation between the resistance to chloride ion penetration of fiber concrete and the total surface area of fiber in concrete. The resistance to chloride ion penetration of PE fiber concrete and hybrid fiber concrete is lower than that of ordinary concrete, while the resistance to chloride ion penetration of steel fiber concrete is slightly higher than that of ordinary concrete. Under the condition that the total volume of hybrid fiber remains unchanged, the more the content of PE fiber, the greater the permeability coefficient of chloride ion and the worse the permeability of chloride ion.
张克纯,余江滔,刘柯柯.混杂纤维混凝土抗Cl-渗透性能试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2020(11):57-60,65. ZHANG K C,YU J T,LIU K K.Experimental Study on Resistance to Chloride Ion Penetration of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2020(11): 57-60,65.


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