李 锋,孔文艺,罗 健,范晓玲,刘思昊
LI F,KONG W Y,LUO J,et al.Discussion on Preparation and Application of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(7):26-29.
李 锋,孔文艺,罗 健,范晓玲,刘思昊
LI F,KONG W Y,LUO J,et al.Discussion on Preparation and Application of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(7):26-29.
摘 要:选用合适的掺合料,采用正交法和最紧密堆积理论进行了超高性能混凝土(UHPC)基体的配合比实验,通过对力学性能检测,确定了UHPC基体的最优配合比,并在此基础上探究了钢纤维的掺量和掺入方式对UHPC性能的影响。试验结果表明,选用合适的掺合料,通过合适的配合比试验设计能配制出适于应用的UHPC。
Abstract:The mix proportion experiment of ultra high performance concrete without steel fibre was done by using right admixtures as reactive powder, orthogonal experiment and the closest packing experiment as methods. The optimal mix proportion of the ultra high performance concrete without steel fibre was obtained by testing the mechanical properties. And the influence of the incorporation method and the content of steel fiber on the performance of the ultra high performance concrete was studied. The results show that UHPC can also be obtained by using right admixtures and proper mix proportion design.
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