毛新奇1,2,屈文俊1,朱 鹏1
MAO X Q,QU W J,ZHU P.Study Status of Recycled Powder for Construction Waste[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2015(8):89-93.
毛新奇1,2,屈文俊1,朱 鹏1
MAO X Q,QU W J,ZHU P.Study Status of Recycled Powder for Construction Waste[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2015(8):89-93.
摘 要:建筑垃圾再生微粉各项性能的研究是推进建筑垃圾资源化的重要基础。根据近年来国内关于再生微粉的主要研究成果,对材料来源、制备工艺、工作性能、力学性能和耐久性能等方面进行了综述,并对相关的影响因素进行了探讨分析。
Abstract: Research on the properties of utilization regeneration of powder for construction waste is the important foundation of resource utilization of construction waste. Based on the recent domestic research on recycled powder, material source, manufacturing process, workability, mechanical properties and the durability are reviewed. Besides, the related influence factors are discussed and analyzed.
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